Guest Speaker

Understanding You

I want to approach this subject of ‘’understanding you’’ , to give some insight into what ensures that you always get a reading that brings change and growth , clarity and a new understanding of anything at all that it is you need some help and guidance with.
My desire for you is that I read for you in the maximum enlightening way possible. The way I do this is by using two main skills that I have developed.

I have trained in Psychotherapy over a five year period, it became apparent during this time that many people where thinking that counselling is cantered around advice giving. This is a misunderstanding as it is really more about understanding your feelings on a very deep level, listening, reflecting back and then reaching a resolution with the knowledge that you actually hold the answer within I am helping to facilitate you to get to that point

The other skill I use when reading for you, is more about streams of psychic energy that I experience during a reading, this however was not encouraged when I trained in therapeutic counselling. I found this very limiting. You see person cantered counselling recognises that you hold the key to any issues that you are facing, but sometimes we all need a little extra help from spirit. If for example I see your partner has a difficult pattern they inherited from his past, if it shows up clearly and I feel it is leaking into your relationship I can talk to you about it and it will help you defuse some of its power. It is up to you then if you choose to communicate about it once you have this information, but at least you know it exists .Sometimes it is clear if a person needs to let go of a situation and really raise their standards, this is also where intuition will help us together as we connect during a reading and remain receptive to the incoming stream of energy from a spiritual source.

I work with both therapeutic skills and psychic information combining them to bring you information guidance and bring out any answers you also have just below the surface waiting to be understood and heard .
With this in mind you can come for a reading with any and all issues in your heart and mind. You can safely open up allowing the guidance of spirit and the emotional intelligence of person cantered counselling to hold the space for you. This can only ever bring about positive change empowered choices and a sense of nurturing that is my deepest wish for you.



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