Guest Speaker

Telepathically Connect With Your Beloved Pet


Some people think pets can read our minds. Can we do the same? Pet psychics insist the answer is “Yes, you can” – with a little work, of course. And here, they tell us how. But remember, whether or not you communicate telepathically with your pet, the bottom line is that it’s fun, safe and it’ll give you a chance to spend quality time with your pet. You don’t need to be a psychic to know that’s what really counts.        

Believe in your psychic ability. You can tune in to your pet because we are all born with the ability to communicate telepathically, say pet psychics. Just keep an open mind, they advise. 

Prepare with meditation. Learn to quiet your mind and focus. It will help you to detach from the hectic pace of daily life. Spend 10-15 minutes meditating before you tune into your pet.

Take a good hard look. Sit with your pet and observe her from head-to-paw. Fix your eyes on her, homing in on her deepest feelings and thoughts. “Notice your pet’s facial expressions and body language,” advises pet psychic Laura Simpson of Finland, Minn. “It’s the beginning of communication.

You’ve got mail. Here it is – the first greeting from your pet. You may get a message by a sign, words, an object moving, a song or telephone call.

Speak up – it’s communication time. Reach out and think or say something. Stay calm and welcome the connection. 

Practice makes perfect. Practice sending messages back and forth with your pet. 

So did it work? Did you and Fluffy have a yak-fest? Yes? Terrific; enjoy staying in tune with your best bud. No? Oh well, don’t give up. You may still be a pet clairvoyant yet.


Pet Psychic



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