Trish - PIN 600124 - Next Due: Today @ 19:00 (EST)

Our Loved Ones Are Not Far Away

Do you feel your departed loved ones around you? I can tell you with absolute certainty; they really do visit and watch over you. Don't feel they are here to judge you or tell you what to do. They come to see you out of love, and to let you know they are very much alive. They have the desire to let you know they never really left you. They are simply in a dimension one step above ours, which is full of love, joy, happiness and the kind of bliss we can barely imagine.

When they are near, you may smell a scent you associate with them, or find pennies, feathers, flowers, or see a picture you know wasn't there before. They can move objects to get your attention, to let you know they are really there, visiting, and even though they are not in our physical world, they are still with you. They can also manipulate electrical items, such as TVs and radios. They like to turn the volume up or down. This is just their way of saying, "Hi, I'm here!"

They also have the ability to warn you of danger, such as when you are driving. You may hear them say "slow down", or "take this road, not the other one". They can also communicate to you that you left the stove or curling iron on, anything to prevent a disaster.

Don't ever be afraid of hearing from those in spirit. They love you just as they did when they were in the physical. Welcome them. You may wish to light a candle for them on special occasions, or just when you feel them near. When our loved ones cross over, they take the love with them, and it is multiplied a thousand times. They are at peace and they want to share that with you.

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