Vivian - PIN 500544 - Next Due: Today @ 11:00 (EST)

Manifesting Your Love Match

Is there a perfect match, the perfect person that fits you perfectly or is there more than one person who may fit you perfectly?  This is a question people ask on a daily basis.  When will I meet that special person, the one I am meant to be with?  It is not always as simple as you think.  Someone who you have conflict could be the perfect person for you, but you have karma to work out or someone who seems perfect may not have revealed their true selves and they may not be the perfect match for you. So, how do we find harmony and peace in our relationships?  The simple answer is to be open and not to push but to participate without undue pressure.

The perfect match is not always what it seems and we make people into the perfect match in our minds.  We have relationships that don't work; we break up and wonder will we get back together with that person, but what about why we broke up with the person to begin with.  That usually doesn't change so why would we want to be reunited with that person?  Well, it is because when we are separated from the situation we fantasize about the person and the relationship and paint a different picture in our minds then the one that existed.  Everyone does it.  The problem is when we reconnect with this person, nothing changes and the cycle starts again.  The key is to change the pattern.

They say we send out signals through our frontal lobes in bringing a partner to us.  Well, we have to be careful the signals we are sending because if we are dwelling on a memory of a person and it has negative aspects, then we will bring someone who emanates those qualities into our lives.  That is why we often repeat patterns with similar people in relationships.  So, we have to consciously be aware of what we want and don't want and then just like a magnet we will draw the person to us.  Being specific is important, with physical attributes, mental characteristics and habits you don't want.  In essence what we are doing is envisioning the person we want and letting our desires manifest themselves.

The key in being in the relationship you want is not trying to make someone over and not rewriting the history of a relationship.  Accept the good with the bad and decide what you truly want and work for it. Once you aren't trying to control the relationship or outcome, then emotions and communication runs freely and you will find that you are being true to yourself and allowing your partner to be as well.



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