Guest Speaker

Magic Wands

Wands can be used for many things, not just Spells and Rituals, for example if you place a willow wand under your pillow as you sleep, this will enhance your dreams and make them more meaningful. Placing a Wand next to a loved one’s photo will help them come closer to yourself; helping you to improve your relationship or bring to you that phone call or visit you’ve being hoping for.

For healing process decorate your wand with Danburite crystals, relationships with Stibrile, Boulder Opal or Rose Qartz. Then continue to decorate with your favourite colours and ribbons this time of year use Holly to give you a lovely Thanks Giving.

Most Wands a made from Willow, this is easily accessible, Birch wood is good for New beginnings especially coming up to the New Year, if you are planning to change your life in 2019. Hoping for a new relationship a home-made Wand made of Birch wood can really help things move nicely.

  • When taking your branch from the tree, always ask the tree for permission and leave a tub of water for the tree behind to help with it’s wellbeing.
  • Strip the bark off when it’s still moist as this makes it much easier to peel. Then return the bark to the tree.
  • Smooth your wand down with sand paper.
  • Allow your wand to dry out this will take approximately 3 days. Then brush your wand with oil and allow it to dry.
  • Now you are ready to decorate with ribbons and crystals of your choice. You can use beads, feathers and shells, the more personal the better it will work for you.
  • Above all trust your Wand and thank it for working for you.

The more you use your Wand, and become familiar with it the better it will work for you.

Always say a few words when using your Wand or when you want it to work for you such as:

I am special and wonderful; I deserve the best within any relationship I choose to pursue.

I allow my income to constantly expand, and I always live in comfort and joy.

I now choose to be joyful in my life, and take any obstculs as challenges which I can overcome.

Thank you all for reading my Blogs, lots of love and light to all I have read and those I still have the pleasure to meet.

For an indepth reading and an accurate insight into your relationship or any other aspect of your life do not hesitate to give me a call on 500551

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