Guest Speaker

Accepting Help

Sometimes we don't want to admit defeat. We'll just keep battling on, and on, and on....but does it have to be this way? Even the strongest, most capable person needs help at times. We're encouraged to have a "stiff upper lip" to keep going regardless, to show a brave face to the world when we're feeling far from brave or strong on the inside.

Yes, often we do need to try our best to be brave and to carry on, for a while at least, but in the long term we need to accept help and offers to share our workloads. We also need to learn and accept that this doesn't mean we are weak or that we have failed, rather that we are being practical and are using all the resources on offer or available to us.

Half the battle is usually within ourselves. We don't want to show weakness, admit our needs or reach out and ask for or accept back-up. Once we have fought and won this internal battle, it opens us up to help, understanding and support from other people. Once you admit your own shortcomings or weaknesses, it's surprising how many other people will open up to having the same  worries that you have. This is itself can often be a help and ease some of your own burdens; just the  knowledge that you are not alone in this situation or in how you are feeling.

After breaking though this barrier, the next step is to physically accept the help you need, and to learn how to ask for it in the future in plenty of time before everything has built up to the extent that you feel overwhelmed. The trick here is to pre-empt it if possible. Recognise the signs and symptoms before they get out of control, and try to act sooner rather than later. 

We have all been here at one time or another. It's not easy, but it is possible to get through the tough times with help and support. 

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