Guest Speaker

Who Am I?

A question that frequents me in readings from the majority of those that come through to me. It doesn’t necessarily come out as direct as that but it is underlining in the majority of our fears and as we embark on making important decisions on our future and the directions that we want to go in.

What I will say is that we often lose sight of the positives that change and different directions can bring to us. Coming from myself who has gone through a lot of life changes recently I was actually surprised at just how empowering new motivations and determination were for me when exploring the ideology of self-exploration.

For me ‘Who am I’ is totally in the hands of those that wish to define it. I look at it as you starting to write a new chapter in a book with no title just as of yet. Sometimes it takes us a long while to understand this and get our heads around and guess what? It’s actually ok and totally normal not to know the answer straight away. It’s times like that where you decide to either bury your head in the sand and stay in limbo out of fear of change (and we’ve all done that at times!  - me included!) Or we decide to stand strong and grab the bull by the horns – challenge firmly accepted!

Life throws us curveballs in our worlds and I am a firm believer that everything does happen for a reason. When this happens you need to take a deep breath, not rush and decide a plan that will work for you. Nine times out of ten we often find that we try and rush to find resolutions to get back to a stage where we feel happy and not scared of the curveballs, but this potentially clouds our decisions and what is actually right for us. Everyone deserves to go at a pace that suits them because you have the power of deciding your own destiny and choosing which direction you go in.

Psychic readings are powerful because they often allow us to tune into the predicaments that you are in and guide you with options that you may not even have contemplated. It is okay to say I need a moment, it’s ok to say that you don’t know how to do it on your own and personally I like to think that everyone that I read for knows that you are never on your own when me and my guides are around.

You may think that you never have had to ask ‘Who am I’ but actually when you find yourself on that phone to one of us because your life has changed due to someone leaving, someone passing, a child growing up or questioning what job is then right for you, then without even thinking about it you then have to re-evaluate who you are as a person and just where you take it from there. Who we are and what we do define us every day, so personally I try to always get the positive and best out of my callers to empower, motivate and lead you onto the pathway that you wish to be on. If something or someone isn’t working for you then now is the time to ask yourself who you really are. Would the strong person inside of you allow yourself to be treated like this? Would the intelligent, optimistic person inside know that starting over in a new job is just what you need?  Sometimes it’s all about taking yourself out of the chaotic situation, the stress, the change and allows yourself to hone in on your true, calm self and look at things with a fresh perspective.

Now is the time for you to ask yourself... Who am I? And if you don’t recognise that person anymore, don’t panic! Just open up your blank page and start to rewrite the person that you know you are and most importantly what will make you happy. The past, people, energies, work, materialistic things don’t define you, what does is your heart, your soul and what you are prepared to reach for defines you and allows you to know yourself inside and out. Stay true to you and the rest will follow. 

Love & Light, Kay xxx

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