Guest Speaker

What Is Horary Astrology?

Astrology pre-supposes that every moment in time has a quality. And it uses a symbolic language of planets, signs, houses and aspects to express that quality. That is why your natal chart, also called your birth chart, is so important. Because you were born at a specific moment in time and space, you are YOU. And not your sister, or your friend, or the guy who works down the chip shop and swears he's Elvis.

Sometimes the problems of life can overcome us and we really could use some outside guidance. From the Universe. Because the Universe created us and actually really does want to help us and has our best interests at heart. For our highest good. Like a firm but kind teacher. The one you liked and respected and wouldn't dare mess with (Hello Mrs Wood!).

For this very purpose Horary Astrology exists to provide a straight forward, concise and verifiable answer to your specific question or issue. But you have to mean it. You need to be sincere in your request to the highest powers. These are the Gods you are consulting after all.

And so at the moment in time, when you've been tossing and turning in your bed, pacing the room like a demented Sherlock Holmes, chasing your tail like an over-excited puppy, when you have a burning need to KNOW, that is the moment to cast your Horary chart. Because, yes, every moment in time has a quality, and you were moved to ask your question at that particular moment. Not 5 minutes before or after, not yesterday or next week, but NOW! And by using a competent astrologer to interpret the language of the stars as they were positioned in at the sky at that special and unique moment, you can have your own hot line to divine advice and universal guidance.

The question is will, you follow it? And a good Horary Astrologer will be able to tell you that as well! As above, so below. The answers are all there if we just know how to read the signs properly.

If you have any questions about horary astrology please leave them in the comments below...

Horary Astrology

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