Guest Speaker

Valentine's Day Wishes

Well folks, today is the big day for lovers all over the world. Whether you are single or very much attached the question is always the same -  where is my Valentine's card?! But how many people know the actual origins of St Valentine's Day?

Before the name of St Valentine was ever even heard or connected to February 14th, there was a far darker origin to our modern day of love or at least this is one very strong theory.  The feast of Lupercalia was celebrated for a few days a year around February 14th every year. This was a bloody affair of animal sacrifice and of violence against women - yes you heard right! Roman men would whip lines of young ladies with the blood of their sacrifices. The crazy thing was that it was the women themselves who actually volunteered for this as they believed that they would be made fertile by this ritual! Another quite scary aspect of the festival was a form of lottery which matched women to men and they would "stay together" for the festival duration - one shudders to think!  Thankfully nowadays the worst that a lady can usually expect is a cheap box of chocolates or some flowers from the garage!

St Valentine
It is thought that the Romans executed ether one or two Valentine's on different February 14ths and around the 3rd century A.D. The Catholic Church took this opportunity to replace the pagan festival of Lupercalia with their own saint's feast day thereafter and from this the St Valentine's Day we all know and love was born.

Valentine's Love Rituals
We could discuss the history of the day for hours but for those who want to encourage love to come into their lives or who need to cement love which is already around them are fortuitous on this day as love really is in the air! How to bring love into your life:

• Always be positive and giving but don't give to those who do not deserve it. Maintain self respect and dignity - you are a beautiful individual.

• Carry a piece of rose quartz and sleep with a stone beside your bed or under your pillow at night. This will encourage loving and harmonious energies.

• Light two candles, a pink one for romantic love and a red one for passion. Focus on the flames - being careful not to blind yourself - and send out your intentions for love into the universe. Speak to your angels and they will hear you.
Love makes the world go round and you deserve to be happy. Trust in your angels and in the universe to bring you what you wish for!

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