Guest Blogger - PIN NA - Currently Unavailable
Guest Blogger

Types Of Karma

1. Sanchitta
This is accumulated past actions or karmas waiting to come to fruition. Sanchitta is the storehouse of every action you have ever done, in all the lifetimes you have ever lived. These are all of the unresolved past actions waiting to reach resolution.

2. Parabda
This is the present action: what you are doing now, in this lifetime and its result.

3. Agami
Future actions that result from your present actions are called agami karma. As you attempt to resolve past karma, you unavoidably create new karmas that you may or may not be able to resolve in your present life. If you don’t resolve them now, they will go into the storehouse to be resolved in a future life.

By taking full responsibility for our thoughts and movements, we create our reality. What we think or do right now creates the kind of world that is related to those thoughts and actions. If your right now is filled with loving affirmation, then the next moment will be filled with good karma.


This karma of parabda has no waiting, the result is now. As Jon Kabat Zinn says, “Love your life, and your life will love you back.” Try it this week and experience the amazing result.

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