Guest Speaker

Exploring Karma

What is ...... KARMA?
by Charnjit Bains Wednesday 27th January 2016
From a spiritual perspective karma is viewed as the old saying "what goes around comes around" but not just limited to this lifetime but to all actions in all lifetimes.
From a practical and natural perspective we can use the saying "we reap what we sow"  literally.  If we sow good seeds, in fertile soil, place them in a sunny position, water them regularly we will usually produce a good crop of flowers, plants, fruit, vegetables etc.  We cannot guarantee the weather each year but we are able to take measured action to get out the best we can by putting in the best we can.  
From a scientific perspective we can use Newton's third law of physics which states "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".
From a numerology point of view, when a person has a "complete" name, that is that all the numbers are present within their name (and/or sometimes the core numbers are included) then to me, that person has come in without any karma.  These are people who are here to teach. 
Based on all of these perspectives it says to me that destiny plays its role and we create our karma (good or bad) by how we respond/react to our destiny.
Destiny vs karma ?
Nature vs nurture?
Or transcend it, embrace it all and incorporate it all for all is one.
We are here to make peace with every person we encounter in order to gain closure and be able to move on to the next level of eternal progression.  There is so much more for us if only we let go and surrender to the flow!
Many blessings to you all,
C xx



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