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Torn Between Two Lovers

13th April 2018

Can you love two men at the same time? Emotional. Playful. Intellectual. What happens when one guy simply cannot fulfil your deepest desires and you’ve met two men who can?

In a popular film, Silence of Adultery, a woman was trapped in a romantic triangle. She was in love with both her workaholic husband and another man who knew how to make love to a woman—which made her feel passionate, desirable and alive! She really didn’t want to say good-bye to either.

Not all women, like this woman, can embrace two lovers simultaneously, but many do. If you, like countless women have ever been tempted to juggle two men, read on…

Women (or men) who are dazed and confused often are victims of cold feet. After all, loving one man means making a commitment. By loving two men, however, you keep your distance, stay safe—and avoid getting too close. This way you shield yourself in armour to protect your heart from getting broken. The irony? Three is a crowd. Eventually you will downsize for your sanity’s sake! It’s possible neither of the two men are Mr. Right, but usually one is right for you. The right one may be the one you’re throwing away. It’s that little intimacy problem again that messes things up. So what is a woman with one too many men to do?

There are only three ways to go:
1. Fess up to both men and see if they’re willing to share you. (Don’t count on it.)
2. You’ll realize that neither of the men you think you love are good for you, and let them both go.
3. You’ll choose one man or the other, and will make the relationship number-one priority, and actively learn how to make love work!

The end result? A woman in love with one man can reap the joys of having two lovers—without the chaos. And, if you open up your heart to another, you up the odds of hitting a real love jackpot!


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