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Thoughts and Feelings

What if it was suggested to you that all that is around you, all that is coming in is a reflection of your thoughts and feelings.

What if in all this wonderful muddle of life it was suggested to you that you can deflect and reflect a better version of what has and is playing.

Well......this is our earth and all is connected within the grand scheme of things and all of the Universal matrix of connection along with the power of our own free will....which...really does make us special...for not an awful lot of Beings have this free will. All of this allows us to create the world that we exist on and our own inner world is reflected outwards into the outer world of creation.

So, let’s say for instance you've decided to take full charge of your life. No person is going to tell you what to do or rule above you. So in that decision in the grand scheme of things...what happens is that you go charging around like a big hot headed stubborn bull. No care for anyone else or anything. Not thinking of the consequences or of how your take charge attitude makes others feel. You've completely lost yourself and built a defence out of fear, but because of this you've also made others feel down trodden and not liking you much.

Once this has been made aware to you....what do you do? Do you start to re-think your plan and start putting out that ok, it's alright to step it up and take charge of your life, but there is no need to forget other people in this plan that connects others in the grand scheme of it all and start to re-connect on a more valued desirable plan of action. That reflects a leader who is strong but one who shows respect for others too and understands that connection of value works better than one of destructive force out of fear.

What we think, feel does reflect externally and it does have a huge impact and it does go round and round and round until we find that perhaps whatever is continuously happening and going round and around all the time, could possibly be because of what we have thought whether silently or out loud.

Why do you keep attracting the same kind of man or woman?

Why does the same thing keep happening?

But then, sometimes it keeps happening for a lesson to be learnt. But you can start to help to change the record by changing what and how you think.

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