Guest Speaker

The Benefits of Mindful Meditation

Meditation, especially mindfulness meditation, can profoundly change the course of the rest of your life. Relaxing mind, body and spirit can heal so many ailments: anxiety, stress, sleep problems, food issues, obsessive thinking, depression, chronic pain, and even assist in the grieving process. Meditation works on all organs in the body and the brain. It is the best known treatment for the brain and for stress. Medical science is just now discovering how effective it really is. Meditation is helpful on the entire immune system. It can also bring with it more compassion, empathy, and caring towards others.

If we were teaching daily meditation and prayer to our children we could change this would profoundly. True and authentic Mindfulness Meditation is all about self awareness, non-judge-mental-ness of self and others and healing. How could this daily practice not assist any human being and our world on the whole? Mindfulness is about focusing on being in the moment, the here and now. In our crazy daily lives we are planning for tomorrow or dwelling on yesterday. We rarely get to be fully present in the moment.

Many people spout about how they, 'Live one day at a time.' That is lovely, but how many of us live in the moment AND IN THE HERE AND NOW. 

Meditation is actually a CHALLENGING practice... moment to moment awareness. A non-judgmental awareness of self is not easy. Who we think we are and who we really are are two very separate things. Jon Kabat Zinn talks about the nine attitudes that really are helpful in order to embrace Mindfulness and they are....

1. Non-judging (self and others)

2. Patience (with yourself and others)

3. Having a 'Beginner's Mind' each time you practice (because each time will be different)

4. Trust – as in trusting self in the moment

5. Non-Striving – no striving for anything at all/no outcome and no reward

6. Acceptance – total acceptance of where you are in the moment; have a cold, a headache, or you are currently overweight, etc

7. Letting Go – not being attached to anyone or anything

8. Gratitude – an attitude of gratitude

9. Generosity – being generous with self and others

Obviously, the only thing required along with these attitudes is a commitment to do this practice daily. It only takes about 20 to 30 to do and can transform your existence in this world.

I strongly encourage anyone to do a little research into this practice and then purchase a guided recording to assist you at first while you learn more and more about meditation. I have been practicing prayer and meditation most of my life and the rewards are too many to count. I encourage anyone and everyone to do this daily and watch the changes in your self growth and or healing. If you want to have an angel card reading and also discuss Mindfulness Meditation please don't hesitate to call me.

                                                                  Summer 500954. God Bless you all! 



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