Guest Speaker

Taking A Break From Social Media

Is social media affecting your life in a negative way?


In today’s world most of us have some kind of platform we like to use: Facebook, Instagram Tik Tok, Twitter. They can all be great and fun at times, but problems can begin when we aren’t in a good place and we spend ages on there. It’s all too easy to spend hours looking at our friend’s news feeds, photos of their last holiday or a lovely meal out, and feel bad about our own lives.


So what’s the answer? Social media is like a single page in a very big book. Let’s be realistic, we don’t put the bad or boring stuff on there. We don’t post updates on the days we just work, walk the dogs and food shop. It’s not true account of people’s lives, is it? 


So how do we get away from it? If you are feeling down and low after reading posts, limit yourself or even have a month away from it all. I think reading a good book or starting a new hobby is much more productive than endless scrolling through feeds! Facebook envy is becoming very common and it is definitely a problem. If we are in a bad place anyway, looking at either people’s happy lives is hardly going to help. Neither is spying on an ex and his new girlfriend! It’s all just toxic and harmful to us, so let’s rethink how much time we actually give to it and try and do something creative or productive instead!


We also have the most photo shopped images to contend with if we are feeling overweight or unattractive. These perfect pictures can be depressing too, but it’s important to know that what you see might not be real; with some apps you can look a stone lighter in just a few clicks! So, with a new mindset, instead of logging on and scrolling, let’s leave it be until we feel in a better place for it all.


Thanks for reading,

Jasmine - 600595


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