There are many forms of healing, some of the simplest are available to all of us, a smile, a hug and laugher. These are the simplest forms of healing that each and every one of us can offer freely on a daily basis. Such simple things can have the power to transform the world of those around us. I would say these are the simplest form of soul healing that we all have.
Well each of us is actually connected to one another even if we are not fully aware of this fact. When we are around people we all interact on what some call a subconscious level, this is proven. When you are around an emotional person we all feel the waves, or vibrations of this. When a person is anxious you may feel a little anxious yourself just through being around them, when someone is sad, you may walk away feeling depleted, when someone is angry and annoyed it can leave us feeling angry and annoyed. This is a natural reaction that we all have with each other, as you become more aware of how others can affect you on a daily level, the more important it becomes to ground yourself and stand in your own power.
There is no one who is more powerful than you, self-empowerment, no one can drain your energy, you can become over sensitive and take on board negative thought patterns which can cause you to doubt and start to think negatively. One common symptoms of this negative emotional state is tiredness. You see our mental health is strongly connected to our emotional state. Our own emotions affect our logic and decision making process. A humans our emotional response to the world will always fluctuate, to stand in your own power is to discover the beautiful constant in life, which is yourself, after all you are the only person that is truly with you from birth to death, everyone else you meet is sharing a part of your journey, this may last days, it may last years. You are the only constant in your life. Make peace with yourself and aim to be the best you can be. Accept your human and you can overcome any negativity in life. Let go of anger, resentment towards others instead change your focus to being happy with you.
These so called negative expression are caused not because people are bad, because people are human beings, each of us has frailties and weakness. Nobody is perfect. Often it is life that causes us to feel like this, because we lose something that we held onto, others have not filled our expectations, our plans don’t go to plan or simply because we are afraid to take a leap of faith. You see it is our own mental attitude that creates our emotional states and vice versa. These so called negatives can be transformed, and each of us has the power to transform them, simply through the most basic of forms of soul healing, a smile, a hug and laughter.
It’s also through these that we create the greatest form of soul healing of all, love. This has the power to dispel the fears, anxieties and emotional negatives. This most pure form of healing and can only be given freely, it is never owned. It also starts with you, not another loving you, you loving yourself accepting that your human and a simple truth. We don't have all the answers nor do we always make the best decisions. When you are in this state, a smile is easy, hugs are not begrudged and laughter flows. It is a positive state of mind and promotes health.
When you love yourself in such a manner, you can transform yourself and become a healing beacon for others. Wisdom is learned through transformation of negatives to positives. Soul healing is free, and each of us can do it without knowing. Start your journey toward a happier more fulfilling life today, start with you and share the healing the soul can bring to your world.
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