Guest Speaker

Self Respect And Optimism

When I go to log in to take calls I always pick an angel card, most days this contains a message for someone who will call or for myself, however today  I feel it is meant for everyone.

I used the Mary queen of angels deck by Doreen Virtue today, some people find this deck a bit god heavy, but for where I am in my spiritual path they are a good fit at the moment.

Two card came out today, first was SELF RESPECT.  We all need to love ourselves a bit more, be kinder, think more about what we are putting into our bodies, both nutritionally and spiritually.  Cut out toxins of all verities!  As mums especially stay at home mums, we need to remind ourselves that we are very valuable people to society, I know it is easy to say that now I am past that situation, but I remember feeling worthless.

The other card links in perfectly it is OPTIMISM.  I always bang on about this, what you give out you get back, this positive and positive things will happen.  My husband always moan that we do so much for others yet always seam to be two steps forward one step back, however, we have each other and two health fantastic, if a little moody! Children, which in the eyes of many makes us a rich as kings, we need to learn to be thankful for what we have and keep positive!  Good things happen to those who think good thoughts!  Negative thoughts create the negative toxins that we need to cleanse from ourselves by learning to respect ourselves.
Love and light

Angel Cards

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