Guest Speaker

Rollercoaster - You've Just Got To Ride It

I know what you’re thinking, and yes, I did just quote Ronan Keating!

I do this for good reason as his words in that song really highlight the way in which the world works, and his message is crystal clear. There are good days and bad days, high days and low days, up days and down days. All of these form part of human life and both are equally as important as the other. Really, it’s not possible to experience one without the other.
History, and our own personal experience, will teach us that during our darkest times we often learn the most about ourselves. We use the ‘negative’ experiences in our lives to push ourselves forward and aim for more ‘positive’ days. But the lessons we learn are important to our karmic path and we must be willing to learn from our experiences otherwise we will seem to be stuck in a rut and seem to experience the same events over again. (The universe can be really persistent!).

When facing down days, tarot can be helpful as usually you will learn something new during a reading or see your situation from a slightly different perspective. Looking at something through a fresh pair of eyes could be exactly what you need to help yourself in taking the next step on your journey?

Remember, life was created for us to experience both good and bad. We have days that test us and days that seem easier. The most important thing is that we do not stop learning and look for the message in all that we deal with.

Sonnie  500575


roller coaster



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