Trish - PIN 600124 - Next Due: Tomorrow @ 19:00 (EST)

Life Is Meant To Be Joyful

This journey of life throws a lot of ups and downs at us. One minute, we're on top of the world and nothing could be better. The next minute, it seems like everything has turned upside down and we feel trapped and buried with nowhere to turn.

These are the negative energies that enjoy taking away our happiness and making us feel helpless. There are many ways to push this negativity out of our energy and far away from our lives. If there is a person or people who drain your energy, put a distance between yourself and them. Surround yourself in the universal white light of protection. We were each born with positive energy, spirit guides and angels. It is our birthright to learn to pull in the good, helpful entities, and repel the harmful ones.

For a few minutes every day, schedule some quiet time for yourself. Sit or lie down in a comfortable, quite place where you won't be disturbed. Soft music and a lightly scented candle help set the mood. I find a drop of lavender oil placed on the third chakra, right between the eyes, helps with calming and shutting out the world.  Place the thoughts of things you need to do in a bubble, and send them far above your head. They will be there when you need them. Surround yourself in the golden-white light, and invite you spirit guides and guardian angels in.  They know all of your thoughts and stresses in your life, but tell them anyway, release it to them.

Allow yourself to hear, see and feel the wisdom they give to you. It may take a while for you to hear and understand them, but keep practicing every day. Before you finish your meditation, ask your guides to surround you in love, peace and protection, and to help you be aware of their presence at all times.  They are there for you, and only you, and want the highest and best for you.

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