Vivian - PIN 500544 - Next Due: Today @ 19:00 (EST)

Removing Blocks

We all know that the harder we work on something or try to make something happen, the better chance we have of achieving our goals and making things happen, but this isn’t always true.  Some people who don’t try to make things happen need to learn to go full force after things while others that are constantly working overtime to achieve their goals need to learn to sit back and let life flow.

Energy flows freely and when we focus on any one area of our life too intensely we set up blocks in that area of our life.  Have you ever noticed when you are worrying about money, more bills come in and more money is needed, but once you let it go and start paying money out money starts to flow.  They say that you should not think of having to spend it but rather you are moving it around and it will come back to you.  The same is true for other areas or issues in your life.  If you are trying to find romance and constantly looking and meeting all kinds of people but not finding love, you may just have to sit back and let love find you.  Once you let the energy flow in all areas of your life you may find that the blocks are removed and life is flowing on all levels.

It is still important to always participate and work toward all that you want, but balance is key and finding a balance in all areas is key.  So, not participating can also bring up blocks because there is no balance and lack of movement.  When trying to figure out what is too much think of it like throwing a ball against a wall.  The harder you throw the ball the harder the ball comes back at you and the lighter the ball is thrown, the lighter the ball bounces back.  For every action, there is a reaction and sometimes it isn’t what we want or are looking for.  So, we don’t always have control over what the outcome will be of our attempts to make things happen and when we see our attempts aren’t working we need to learn to step back and let things flow and see where it takes us. 

So, balance is essential in life in order to be harmonious and to feel things are evolving.  Balance is key in removing blocks as well, so we need to try not to dwell on any one thing or situation in our lives in order for those areas to be open and flowing the way we want them to be.

 removing blocks

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