Guest Speaker


Knock, knock…Who's There

You are suddenly startled out of your sleep by a loud knock, you assume at the door, but when you go to answer, there is no one there. Um, strange. You pass it off as just a dream and go back to bed.  Or maybe you are home alone when 'someone' calls your name, but you are alone, or are you?

Well the truth is, we are never really alone.  Our Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels are always with us, protecting and guiding us.  So to explain and clarify, that knock at the door is your Spirit Guide's way of getting your attention and giving you a heads up to expect something either slightly out of the ordinary or different in the very near future. This would be something that you did not expect to happen and could be either positive or negative.  Don't over think this.  You will know what it is when it manifests itself and surprisingly, you will know how to handle this event.

Now, to the voice calling your name.  Some people say, "Do not answer".  I say how else will you know what is wanted if you don't ask? This normally means that someone or something personal needs your attention.  So do not be surprised when you get that phone call, letter, email or text. If you are a visionary on any level, you may get a glimpse of what the matter is.  Surprisingly again, this is something that you can deal with.

To put a slight twist on these attention getters: Colours.  When there are colours associated with the knock or voice, these events become clearer.  Bright colours, red, orange, yellow, are the warm colours that signifies action, movement and high energy.  Subtle colours, blue, purple, green, are more relaxing, eased, less stimulating and somewhat calming. Earth tones, brown in varying shades is peaceful, without chaos and presents a sense or serenity and being whole with the universe. The presence of colour or lack of, black or white helps you to determine the urgency or lack of, with events coming your way.

To put this all together is simple.  When the object that needs your attention presents itself, you will be given a sign.  That streak of light surrounding the object, with that slight hue, tells one story.  That odd feeling in the pit of your stomach tells another and that slight pain, itch or twitch is another sign.  Pay attention to where these signs are: Where the colours or lights are around the subject, where that slight pain, itch or twitch is on your person .It all means something, but that is another story for later.

So, the bottom line is, never brush these signs aside. They could be leading you toward or away from events or things that are significant and important to you.

Knock, knock


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