Guest Speaker

Everyone Has Psychic Abilities

Everyone has Psychic abilities but few are chosen; young children are closely attached to the spirit realms. But gradually, as we grow we adapt both physically and mentally and leave childhood behind we become more attached to the earth plane and to the material world. The earth plane is like a great university where we are all here to learn, and each one of us is at a different level, whether you’re a young spirit or an ancient.

An ancient has had many earthly lives and many earthly experiences. This is transitional, in preparation to spiritually evolve to the next level of consciousness. This might be to evolve to the first, second, third, fourth, fifth sixth or seventh level. Whatever the particular experience or learning the individual has to experience, in order to raise the consciousness and to grow spiritually.

It is necessary to experience all things, whether the experience is of being a victim of circumstances or being the aggressor. We are all spirits, temporarily in a physical body. We chose our parents and all the experiences we will encounter, endure and suffer in the material world whilst on earth. It might take many, many, many years before we are given the choice to return to the earth plane. However, those well developed, highly evolved souls reincarnate sooner.

Younger souls have much less experience, having to learn many lessons to spiritually grow, and are less likely to be given the gift and responsibility to work as a psychic.

I have had many psychic experiences over the years that have given me without question personal proof, that there is a spirit world that I call home. It took me many years to adjust to being in a physical body and the earthly experiences I’ve had over the years were at times unbearable and difficult to overcome and brought me down to earth with a bump and much further than I would have liked. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t want to change my earthly life or erase those experiences, it’s been a long journey but because it’s brought me to where I am now. Undoubtedly, I still have more to learn and experiences yet to come. Without those life experiences I would not have had either the empathy or understanding of others and their difficulties.

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