Guest Speaker


Freedom, peace, joy, love, sharing the beauty of nature, the crisp air of a dawn morning, a fresh autumnal sunset, clear blue skies.
Enjoy the simplicity of life
Feel connected, for we are all connected, all from the same point of origin - peace, love, joy, light
Enjoy the simplicity of life
A sea breeze, the sun on your back, crisp leaves crunching under your feet, a walk in the park, the wind breathing life into you, re-energising you.
Enjoy the simplicity of life
for it is in enjoying the simple things in life that we feel truly content, connected, at peace, free.
Feel the connection to spirit through the earth, for it is said that as it is above, so it is below.
Be grateful for the simple things in life, for they are life itself - clean running water; fresh food; warm, dry clothes; a safe place to sleep; a warm bed.
Enjoy the simplicity of life,
for simplicity is life and life is simplicity
Everything is in divine order - all events happening at the right time, in the right place and for the right reasons.
Trust in the power of synchronicity,
for the universe has a divine plan,
greater than that known to man.
We are mere pawns in the great game of life, here for such a short time in comparison to the mighty oak, the planets and the stars.....
Enjoy the simplicity of life.

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