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Does Tarot Have A Future

16th November 2011

You really couldn’t ask for a better image of the fraudulent reader, so wrapped up in her own crystal balls and layers of shawls that she’s forgotten there’s a material world out there.   Divination is, indeed, a fascinating art. A reading with an experienced tarot reader is light years away from the ‘prophecies’ that are wafted around Hogwarts.

Tarot is time for you, it’s insight into your life, where you are now, how you’re feeling, the people who are important characters in your story.   What lies at the centre of your life, right here, right now? What are the influences leaving your life, your hopes your aims?

Tarot tells your story like it really is and that’s often very different from the way that you think it is.  What’s blocking your life, stopping you from moving forward? The King of Swords – the ex-husband who still tries to control your life, your dominant boss, your difficult landlord? The Ace of Coins – the need to make a new start with money, to cut up that credit card, find a new job, sign up for a college course, take a lodger? The King of Cups – the man you love but who doesn’t really know that you feel as much for him as he feels for you? The Queen of Swords - your overbearing mother-in-law, your children’s stepmother?

Knowing what it is that crosses you is the first step in moving your life forward and creating the life you want.   What about the future? Isn’t that what tarot is supposed to be about?

A tarot reading gives you possibilities and options. Sometimes your future cards will be a warning – change your path to avoid this happening. Sometimes tarot gives a promise which sounds unlikely but is that because you don’t believe you deserve good things to happen? The man who appears in your future – is he going to make you happy or break your heart?

Time with a good reader will give you plenty to think about, a safe place to re-evaluate your life, your relationships, your work and money and your place in your own life. Why walk your path blindfold when you could see the way ahead?

Does Tarot Have A Future?

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