Maria - PIN 500291 - Currently Unavailable

Celebrate The Moment

Live every single moment as if it is your last! This isn't my usual happy thought kind of a post, so I will apologize in advance, but it is so very true. Sometimes in life we are fortunate enough to experience something that at the time feels like the most monumental of bad luck, an illness perhaps, which is what I call a second chance moment.  This is when you are taken to the brink of losing everything, only to be given it all back.

 I used the term fortunate, as that moment of near loss, opens your eyes to what is important and helps you to re-focus your life on what is. And what is fortunate about this is that some people sail through life, never experiencing these bumps, never really understanding the true beauty of life, and always moaning about the little things, their terrible lot in life, so they are the unfortunate having never experienced this re-set experience. 

When you do come through something so bad it takes you to the edge of your abyss, then suddenly bank balances, unfinished workloads and overflowing in-trays and so on fall into the space that they should have always been in, far lower down your priorities than you might have previously thought. And creating time with your loved ones, doing things that make you laugh and make your heart soar higher than a star, are suddenly much higher on your list of priorities.
 Not only do dreams suddenly have meaning but you realize a limited shelf life and only you can make them happen.  You stop thinking about tomorrow as that never really arrives and instead you start thinking about today, the moment you are currently standing in, as that is the only real guarantee any of us have in this life. 
You start to look at others and realize that they are sweating over the small things, letting their egos lead the charge, when really they should be focusing on their hearts, or better still their soul’s true intention as that is the true essence of them and where true happiness begins. 

So in this moment as you read this, make yourself a promise, to grasp not only this moment and make it matter, but every moment that follows it, and that my friend, is the recipe for a happy and contented life!

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