Guest Speaker

Allowing Us To Take Flight

The breath is our loyal friend

With us from beginning to end

Meditation: Our saving grace

Creating a peaceful place

Deep within

Amidst the din

Allowing to spring forth that which is true

So stay present...

AND the present

WILL present itself



Everything is a gift when we are in the now

Sometimes, though, we just don't see how

Such things


And places

Aren't deuces

But actually aces.

Opportunities to grow

To learn, be anew


Stay present

For the present

To present itself



Could be grief

Could be anger

Could be pleasure

Could be pain

Bubbling to the surface to be healed and released

Sent to the four corners - north, south, west and east

Transmuted into light

Allowing us to take flight

Soaring ever higher

To that which we desire


So may we never tire

Of the gifts bestowed upon us

But be grateful

Each and every day

Of whatever comes our way

And be present

Ever present

For the present

To present




Charnjit x 

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