You have chosen the Hierophant and the 9 of Wands.The Hierophant is linked to the star sign Taurus that shows that you are a reliable and homely sort of person, you're only happy when you're comfortable and secure. Security is high on your list of priorities. You dislike change of any kind and anything new is probably regarded with suspicion. You will always reject it in favor of the traditional and tried and tested. You need to be aware of this because the 9 of Wands are challenging you. You're trying to defend without success a situation to do with work or career that is becoming a problem. You're doing far too much and you're physically worn out. You're being very stubborn here and you're fighting a losing battle. You won't surrender. You're trying to protect what's yours but you're hanging on trying to protect what's already go out of hand. This is exhausting for you and everyone around you . You feel that if you ditch your plans it will be hypocritical. This is because you sometimes try too hard to keep up with the Jones'. You must let go of this situation. It is no longer in your interest to continue to pour more and more effort into it. You're standing your ground and not moving an inch. Don't be narrow-minded particularly if it's to do with your security or material possessions. You have very fixed ideas, which you seldom utter. Even though you're kind and understanding and make a good listener, you can take things a little bit too far. Material security and stability are deeply important to you. You feel that you need to preserve the worthwhile things in life even in the event of chaos of change. You're not flexible in your manner and sometimes you refuse to abandon something that is a habitual routine just because it is new. It is because your traditional values matter so much to you that gives you this conservative outlook. Don't worry about what others think. Just do what makes you happy and who cares whether or not it can be guaranteed just go with something new that could be exciting, just this once?