You have chosen Hermit and the 6 of Swords. The 6 of Swords displays the fact that you are making progress, good progress. You're moving in calmer times, away from troubled waters and somebody is here to help you. They're leading the way for you, showing you and inspiring you into a new way of thinking. You're allowing someone else to take over: well done. You don't have to be in control all of the time. This will establish the order in your world, for you need a passage away where your problems can be behind you and that you can look forward to a new brighter future. This could be to do with matters of work and indeed your health is definitely on the up. This is a time for you to look at the past and to accept you did the best you could. It's an important time for you must mourn and reclaim the things that are important. It's looking at the people that have helped you in the past, inspired you to where you are now and looking at the wealth of knowledge and wisdom that you gained by being engaged in certain relationships with certain people and to think about them: appreciate everything they did for you and accept that you're coming to terms with your past and that you're happy to move forwards from the present into the future. But this involves spending some time in your own company and looking at the thoughts and feelings that you have about everyone and everything and working out what is no longer productive or viable in your life and realising that you have changed and transformed; with that you have to say goodbye to certain things and be happy to introduce new things into your world. You do this best by being a private person and allowing yourself to go somewhere that feels a safe retreat where no one can invade your personal boundaries or have the influence over the way your thoughts and feelings flow, for you are able then to reclaim and re-establish the control that you want through your life. Here you can work through in a way that is in order and in detail - a logical analysis to help you into your new chapter - for you're clever enough to be adaptable by working your way through a variety of skills and talents that help you reclaim how to utilise your time in the most efficient way.