You have chosen the Emperor and the 9 of Wands.The 9 of Wands are showing that work is probably becoming a problem for you. You are doing far too much and you are physically worn out but you are stubborn and you're fighting a losing battle daily; but you won't surrender. You're protecting what you feel is yours. This is a time of oppression. If you're not careful things are becoming too much of a problem and you'll find yourself physically ill from doing far too much. You're hanging on trying to protect what's already go out of hand and you're trying to defend it without any success, but luckily you have chosen the card the Emperor which is about self discipline and control of yourself. You must look after yourself. The Emperor is the father figure which means you must take care of your physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs. You need to practice being in control of all of those things. You're very strong and ambitious and you've got a very clever logical mind. You must treat things in a matter of fact way and learn some self-discipline and control of your self. You're sometimes so restless that you dash into everything. You have courage yet you're impatient and it is out of this impatience that you become frustrated. Try to put your energies into independence into a field of work, which gives you freedom to make your own decisions and break new ground. You're certainly somebody who is the spirit of a pioneer. You go about things with dash and drive and impulsiveness and no one would ever accuse you of being lazy or incapable, but this impatience gets you into trouble; for it causes you to abandon your goal before it is achieved because of your inability for things to ripen in their own time. Yet on this occasion you are staying true to what you feel ,but you must give up and put that creative energy in something much more practical and worthwhile. You owe this to yourself.