You have chosen Temperance and the King of Wands. This is all about keeping one foot firmly on land and testing new waters gently. This is in conjunction with the things you'd like to do. This is to do with higher learning of your choice and long distance travel. It's about the adventurous side of all of us that wants a little fun. You have acquired a taste for what you know you want. Better still, you don't bother with the things that don't make you happy. So that is the balance and the discipline that you've learnt, instead of going on with something and wasting your precious time, on something you'd rather not be involved in. Self-confidence is now taking you into different cultures. Lots and lots of travel is on the horizon for you for the Temperance card is about long distance travel, but so is the King of Wands. Choose wisely and carefully, the things that are coming your way for opportunities are aplenty right now. Be careful that you do not fix your focus too rigidly, for you have a tendency to do so. This is about having adventure and creativity into your life. You're someone that really does enjoy the outdoors. You're physically active and quite creative with it. You're capable of working extremely hard, whatever you're doing, but you like to be in charge for you've always got a mission, but you've got the right balance and your love of the outdoors means you're always looking to start something new. So this is all about having a good time, planning some fun and working out a goal with tactics of how you're going to balance your time out, for the things you want to do. Make sure that you do them. Try not to put off things that could be done right now so get started as soon as possible and you will pack everything in somehow.