You have chosen Strength and the 10 of Swords. Recently you have been involved in feeling as if you had a total loss. This is to do with your confidence for you have felt betrayed by other people and this is to do with a group of people. It's a time where you have felt humiliated and betrayed by those that you thought knew better. You've been stabbed in the back, made the scapegoat for everybody else but there's nothing physical in this loss and the 10 of Swords explains this has happened it's over and now you're on to a new chapter. The Strength card is here to say to you, time to move on. That chapter is over you have learnt a lot, by hanging around people that were not any good for you, you've been made to see that you must go in another direction and that you must happily let go of the worries and the guilt or the emotions attached to those people. They are no longer productive in your life and it's time to let go. This is a time to deal with the honor and dignity and the integrity for you. It's time to control your powerful emotions, to talk to somebody you trust or to do something that gets this out of your system. You're quite proud and you've been very courageous, you've handled this very well, you're now left feeing down trodden and feeling a little bit sorry for yourself that you've been made a scapegoat. Well it's time now for you to realize, move on. Life now has got some fun in store for you for the Strength card is linked to Leo, which is about your hobbies and your creative ideals and getting involved in something that you really are going to enjoy, where you'll have some fun and it will link to meeting new people. It's time to gently let some new people come into your world for they have lots to teach you and it's time for excitement and most of all, some happy times that will involve fun, rather than everything being so serious.