You have chosen Judgement and the 9 of Pentacles. You're using your collective power to bring on a change of attitude that's totally irreversible. These crossroads that you find yourself involved in are about choices and decisions to do with your material world so this is your working world and how you make your money. There are big, important decisions to make based on the experience and knowledge you've brought about by revaluing and looking back at what you've done. These changes are for the better and they are based on the past for your future towards a much better lifestyle. There's some big important decisions to make. Sometimes we find change frightening and we try to cling to the old but life must progress for you. It's the end of a chapter of life. You've got to tear down the old so that you are free to build anew. The need for security makes people cling on to the past but you have truly realised that it's time to let go and move on and that life has been overwhelming you. You now have the wisdom that you've obtained to look honestly into how to survive in the face of a crisis. You've discovered already that there are real resources within yourself and you've worked out that luxury and fulfilment of personal dreams and wishes is your path that you must follow. You're someone whose very lucrative, nice things are very important to you and there is plenty of abundance and wealth around you for you are hard working and your personal good taste drives you forwards. You have already realised you must be financially independent and you must earn your own money in solitude. You are someone who works best on their own. You do not suffer fools gladly. You always put your work before relationships, that is not a bad thing, for you realise it is necessary for you to put things into your dreams and hopes. By working so hard you are decadent and you are happy to spoil yourself frequently. This keeps you motivated. You have class and you are capable of earning exactly what you want.