Guest Speaker

You Are Enough

You Are Enough

Recognising our self worth is something that many of us struggle with. Our negative thought patterns and inner self critic can shape our reality and we focus on what isn’t going right. It can weigh us down. However, if we foster a positive mind set we start to feel that we are enough. We see things in a new light and can direct our energy to focus on what we want.

Often with our busy lives we don’t take time for ourselves or focus on our needs. Having a self love tool kit is really helpful. So how do we do create one?

Daily affirmations are a great way of helping re-frame our thoughts. Create ones that resonate with you and that start with ‘I am’. Examples could include:

“I am enough”

“I am brilliant, beautiful and bright”

It might feel strange at first but repeat them morning and evening, when you are driving or doing your weekly shop. Put them on mirrors or write them down in a journal. You will start to see a shift in your thought patterns.

Take 5 or 10 minutes a day and just sit with your thoughts. Notice them and be aware. Start to be comfortable in that silence. We rarely take time for quiet reflection and just being present and letting our thoughts run can help you see that our thoughts are temporary and not necessarily grounded in reality.

Write 50 qualities or abilities that you like about yourself. Examples could include: being compassionate, thoughtful or a good listener. Reread it when you need that extra boost.

What makes you light up? What are some things you enjoy? Make time for these in your weekly schedule. Write them in your diary like an appointment and commit to them.

Finding even 5 minutes a day for yourself will help. As we start to direct our energy on ourselves and our needs we will start to see a positive shift. Remember, you are enough!

Thanks for reading.

Kat – PIN 600623

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