Guest Speaker

Wolf Moon

Tuesday Morning 2nd Jan '18 by 02:24:00 am GMT  and is in the Star Sign of Cancer, an emotional sign so in opposition to Sun in Capricorn,sparks could be flying with many people including any emotional types, so be forewarned. Plus it is a ''Wolf Moon'' evidently so it says it all really!  To be forewarned is to be forearmed so just raising awareness here as the Full Moon can have both good and bad effects on people and animals too! - It can make some moody!  It can also affect the tides of the sea and weather too including storms!

Although it can also be a time to heal and of inspiration etc. Some it makes mellow...others more muddled and maddened!  Anyway Cancerians might be particularly affected as they are ruled by the Moon as their Celestial Body / Satellite.  Also Capricorns could be particularly affected as The Sun is in their sign at that time in opposition to The Moon in their opposite sign of Cancer in their 7th Zodiac House of Relationships.

This could also be bringing all sorts of vibes and feelings out for those 2 signs but all signs in-fact to some extent! Although Balance could be found between the 2 opposing influences and harmony could ensue if handled effectively and compromise of the polarities between Saturn and The Moon. Work versus Nurturing. Yin and Yang etc. Anyway just letting you know. As The Full Moon Waxes / goes towards full so does the effects! Both benign and stay vigilant as always!

wolf moon


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