Guest Speaker

Will Your Love Last?


We all wonder just what the recipe for lasting love is. How do those forever sweethearts make it last so well? It’s not as easy as it looks, but there are key ways to make love last forever. Here are the key ingredients—from the first date after the “I dos” for living and loving happily ever after.


  1. Communication: The No. 1 factor in a healthy, long-term relationship is the ability of both partners to sit down and really talk.

Try this: It’s time to break out the sound of silence. Straight talk will clear the air or clear your date book.


  1. Trust: Trust is also an important building block of your relationship.

Try this: If he or she acts like a sneak with secret agenda, beware. Listen to your gut instincts and intuition. Trust problems are the quickest way to destroy a relationship.


  1. Friendship: Couples who are both lovers and friends have a better chance of a long-term relationship. If you don’t have friendship then you’re not really connected in the pleasures of everyday living and the sharing of life.

Try this:  If your prefer going to the pub with your gal pals, or he’d rather hang out with his buddies than spend the time together, it’s time to do some soul-searching.  Chances are, you two aren’t friends or soul mates—and it’s time to say goodbye.


  1. Commitment:  Commitment is another factor to a lasting love.  It’s about sharing priorities. If he or she is more in love with his motorcycle or work than with you, “you’re going to have trouble.”

Try this: Ask yourself, “Is this relationship going anywhere?” If while you’re physically together, your hearts and minds are elsewhere, the relationship isn’t going anywhere.


  1. Money Matters: Yes, the almighty dollar is a big deal even bigger than sex. It’s a metaphor for the energy you’re putting into the relationship.

Try this:  Find out if he or she is willing to put as much work into the relationship as you are. If not, you know where the door is.


  1. Compassion: A tightwad spells trouble, But Mr. /Ms. Insensitive can give you a headache, too. If your partner is indifferent to your crisis, he or she may be emotionally immature and not able to relate to the feelings of other people.

Try this: Go ahead—explain to him or her why you’re down and out. If he or she doesn’t get it, it might be the perfect time to bail.


  1. Compatibility: Living happily-ever-after includes being compatible for life. It’s important that a couple share common interests.

Try this: Do your homework. Before, during and after your first date, ask questions about his or her dislikes and likes. Find out if you two are really compatible. Be objective and most of all,be yourself.


forever love

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