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Where Did The Goddess Go?

GoddessThe word Goddess literally means female divine being, she is our Mother and comes to us in many incarnations and has never really truly left us.

She is the Divine mother of the universe, the source to which we all seek connection. History has been sprinkled with witness to her communications with her children, through different ages and cultures, be it as Mary Mother of Compassion, or Kuan Yin as seen by her Buddhists children.

As the Triple Goddess, she represents youth, mother and crone, which in turn symbolise possibility, nurturing and wisdom, all familiar milestones as we each journey through life. By celebrating the Goddess, we celebrate life and planet Earth, both its heritage and its future.

An understanding of the Goddess helps women to connect with their own spiritual essence, to appreciate that they are unique, with gifts and skills that bring beauty to this planet. She teaches each and every one of us to celebrate the stage of life that we have arrived at and to listen to our inner soul. To celebrate our capacity for creation and the legacy passed down to us through generations.

For men, she brings about acceptance allowing them to connect with their inner emotions, to accept that they too need nurturing and love. She will lend soothing energy allowing the man to become open and balanced with his feelings. This will free him from cultural prejudices and allow him to grow as a man; lover and father, connecting him back with his true source.

This is a lovely prayer, that I feel sums the Goddess up in all her glory;

She who is the eternal Goddess,
All races are her children,
All genders are her children
All time is her domain
The Earth is her body
Reverence all that is hers.

Each day take a few moments to breathe deeply and to connect with the Goddess within you. Listen to your inner wisdom and follow the signs that will map your way through life’s journey. Remember that the Goddess is not only for women, today as consciousness builds; she is re-emerging across the globe and uniting both males and females.

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