Guest Speaker

What Is The Difference?

You know a Psychic when you meet one. They seem to pin point exact times, details and events with uncanny accuracy. They have a deep sense of knowing. They know exactly who you are at soul level, what your past lives have been and can access information at High Levels regarding your destiny and  life purpose.
A Clairvoyant is another way of saying a ''Clear Seer”. The gifts are extra sensory too with the inner eye or third eye where pictures or visions are shown and clear Guidance is given.
A Clairsentient is able to sense other spiritual beings and their presence and Spirit Guides and feel the emotions or feelings of certain events and people who have passed...
A Clairaudient has'' inner ears'' that are well developed and can receive and ''Listen '' to messages delivered from Spirit, either they be Guides or Angelics.
A Medium is able to take a back seat and allow Spirit to channel through their senses and speak or deliver messages from the other side. A trance channel allows certain Spirit Guides whom they trust implicitly to take over their body and use it as a vehicle or channel to speak to people...Other mediums enter a conscious partnership with Spirit and make contact with Spirits of people who have moved to the other side...Spirit Guides, family who have passed, etc.
Often all gifts are present when we work with Spirit on the Path of Love and Light and have developed these extra ordinary gifts, however one gift will be more dominant than the others i.e. clairaudience.
It is most important to join a good Spiritual Development Group or Circle with a good teacher if you wish to develop these gifts and allow your Angels to help. They will guide you to the right teacher if you ask.
Blessed Be.

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