Angelic Light - PIN 500727 - Currently Unavailable
Angelic Light

What Is It You Want?




What is it you want? Do you want your partner back, do you want to meet your soul mate? Do you want to find your spiritual path, what your purpose is?  If you are going to going to succeed in what you wish to do?

Well it is well known, you can help in achieving what you wish to create in your life, your dreams could become your reality, what you are thinking now can create your universe tomorrow.  Thoughts become words; words become actions; and actions become reality.  If you keep your thoughts in the positive tense and align it with your heart in that you imagine it happening as though it really has happened, you feel every emotion as though it was true, the Universe can recognise this.  The Universe is intelligent, it recognises what you want.  So if you say I don’t want, it doesn’t recognise, I don’t, it recognises the want (not the don’t) and the emotion of such and gives you what you want, (even though you don’t want it).  Alternatively when you see or hear people whom are in the flow and aligned and happy and things just come to them so easily, they are manifesting, they are keeping their thoughts positive. 

Now this is not easy but the more you practice the easier it will become, but start with small things first, be specific as the Universe, can and will oblige provided you are in the vibrational flow, the intent is pure and from the heart and you are imagining it has happened; well you are on your way to creating your dreams, what you may wish to manifest into your life.

However, only you can do this, it is within your capabilities, remember, practice with small things first; do not concentrate on time lines, on when it will appear or keep sending the same message to the universe.  The Universe has and does receive the message, rather like your shopping list.  However, if you keep wondering about it and changing your vibrational energy, will it, won’t it, it could change the wish you have asked for and it may not manifest.  So keep that positive energy high knowing it will be answered.

Remember, you are in control, you are creating your tomorrow here today.

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