Anya P - PIN 600052 - Next Due: Tomorrow @ 15:00 (EST)
Anya P

What Is Ghosting?

What Is Ghosting?

Ghosting has nothing to do with white sheets and eye holes or smoky, floating apparitions; it is actually a modern-day term for being ignored and cut off with no explanation.  As a reader, I come across this all the time, in fact way too often.  A person who ‘ghosts’ typically has little acknowledgement of how it will make the other person feel and nor do they care.  Ghosting is associated with negative mental health effects on the person on the receiving end and has been described by some professionals as a passive-aggressive form of emotional abuse or cruelty.


So how do you know you have been ‘ghosted’?  Very easily really: Your texts and phone calls never get answered, or you might find you’re blocked on social media. Plus, there is no apparent reason for it; one minute your relationship is OK and the next you cease to exist.  At the very least you deserve an explanation or an understanding of why a relationship has seemingly come to an end.  This always causes upset, trauma and grief.  It could be a 10-week, 10 month or 10-year relationship and the same thing can happen. 


Why does it happen?  A person who ‘ghosts’ another is generally always insecure, but has rarely shown it. It is a cowardly and selfish way out and reflects on that person’s personality traits. More than often, it means they have found someone else to replace the person they choose to ‘ghost’.   The person on the receiving end will more than often be a really nice, kind and empathetic individual. 


If it has happened to you, seek some guidance to get over this as it can be quite traumatic and confusing.   You may well have been ‘love bombed’ in the initial stages of your relationship and it is hard to believe how someone that lovely could treat you this way.   You are not the only one!


Please connect with me if you feel this is happening or happened to you and I can help steer you on a more positive path with the guidance of spiritual energy.  


Anya - 600052  

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