Vivian - PIN 500544 - Next Due: Today @ 19:00 (EST)

What Does The Devil Card Mean In Tarot?


The Devil Card in the Tarot Deck is associated with the astrological sign of Capricorn (December 21-January 19). Capricorns are strong , ambitious goal oriented people and they don’t stop until they get what they desire. The card is scary to many people when they see it come up in their reading.  In most versions of the card The Devil has a woman and a man chained to him in bondage.  This can be symbolic of a relationship that a person may be stuck in or a situation that is difficult to extricate yourself from.

The Devil can show up when a situation is beyond one’s control, or when there is a power beyond one’s control present.  The bondage illustrated by this card can be associated with bad habits and addictions or bad relationships and associations.  Often the meaning of the card can be better understood in conjunction with the surroundings cards in a reading. Certain combinations change the interpretation of the card in the specific reading. Again, the meaning is not always the same for every reading and it the influence of The Devil card can depend on the reader and their feelings when reading.

Tarot cards are tools that readers use to get a picture of a question, future and outlook.  I read people through the cards and confirm the feelings I am psychically picking up on as well. So, it works in combination in a reading.

When I look at The Devil card, I see someone or something that is much bigger than the two people being controlled.  So I would say a power or situation that is out of the other’s control. That is my impressions of The Devil card.  What do you see?

Vivian 500544

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