Maria - PIN 500291 - In Consultation

Waiting At The Bus Stop Of Life

The angels know that it is hard to live constantly in the shadow of hope, and not see the rewards. They know also that being human is about being inpatient, of wanting it all now! But they also know that your life is governed by Divine timing and no amount of wanting things to hurry will speed this up. All that will happen is this illusion that you are currently experiencing that makes you feel that you are doing wrong, somehow or are unworthy and being punished. 

Think of life-paths as buses, each one has its own allocated time and destination. Now imagine you arrive at the bus stop five minutes past the hour, when the bus is due on the hour. As you wait you will grow tired, hot, cold and eventually frustrated. Other buses may come along, perhaps they can get you closer to your destination, or take you an entirely different way, and you might decide to hop on these just to see where they take you. You might like the change, or you might come to regret it. No matter which, you then would have to ask yourself, did you end up on the wrong bus because the bus depot has it in for you? Have the inspectors judged you unworthy to ride on the correct bus? Are they punishing you by making you take a long route round? Or is it simply because it was not time for your bus to arrive. 

Many of us experience these situations in everyday life, be it our career, our love life, our homes or even our spiritual pathways. So if you are currently feeling like you have either been left standing at the bus stop, or you are on entirely the wrong bus, don't feel frustrated, just accept that it is part of a bigger time table rolled out by the Divine. If necessary find the patience within yourself to stand still and let that bus come to you. Or if you feel you have gone too far down the wrong route, jump off and re-track your way back to the bus stop that you needed in the first place. 


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