Guest Speaker

Valentines Day - The Pagan Way

St Valentines day is believed to originated from an ancient pagan festival in Rome called Lupercalia. The festival began on the 13th of Feb through to the 15th, it was a holiday to celebrate Juno, queen of the gods and patroness of marriage.

The 14th was a special day as it was the day that the young women of Rome wrote there names on a slip of paper which were put into a urn for the young men to pick. Once they had chosen a name that young women became there partner for the duration of the festival or beyond if they so wished. This festival was known as a purification and fertility festival, as years went by  and a new emperor came along it was decided that this part of the festival should stop as he believed that pagan ways were immoral.The emperor decided to choose valentine as the patron saint of lovers and ruled that he should instead be celebrated on this day.

February is a month of purification and fertility so is in keeping with this day now known as st valentines day. We have just celebrated the Sabbat of Imbolc 1st/2nd of February which celebrates the first stirrings of spring bringing light fertility and purity.It is the time in the circle of the pagan year when the young maiden goddess first encounters the young lord and they entwine to start the cycle of a new year.So when you encounter your new love this Valentines and have enthusiasm and excitement of what will grow and bloom for you both, please have a thought for the mother earth and know that she and her Lord are doing the same

Love and Light and many Blessings


Tina F

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