Guest Speaker

Unconditional Me: Is Love Eluding You?

We are all conditioned to believe that LOVE is a reward for being nice, being good, pleasing others, when in fact Love is the complete opposite to this. LOVE is the unconditional us, what we all are at a core level and it is only when we step into this soul space that we can be at ease and see this reflected in our outward environment.

We never have to want, need or chase LOVE, it is what we are!

If your partner is not committing to you then ask:

In what way am I not committing to myself, am I believing that I totally deserve a fully loving and committed relationship? OR: Am I judging myself from my experiences in life, recreating a pattern that keeps us in a loop continually replaying with a different set of actors.
Forgiveness is the key to unlocking that cycle and awareness allows us to move forward to that place of unconditional LOVE where all is possible and miracles are a daily occurrence.

Phoenix. xx

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