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Twin Flame Reading

8th June 2016
Soulmate/Twin Flame reading. Using my psychic perception, I can look at your relationship past, where you are now and your relationship future. By looking at what has been blocking you in finding love I can work with you to help raise your vibration to align you to the optimum vibration to attract the right partner for you. Oftentimes, we can get ourselves into a rut where we consistently attract the “wrong” person and find ourselves going though the same routine with different relationships. By gaining insight into the patterns you are repeating you can create a transformation which will set you free from this cycle. I can also give you tips and techniques for attracting your soul mate or twin flame energy to get you to that correct vibration sooner. In addition to this, I am able to look at current relationship energy with those you are struggling with and offer insight as to what is really going on between you.

I can look at the relationship from a soul perspective to see where you can start to harmonise the relationship so you don’t fall into the same patterns that have been threatening your relationship. Currently, there has been a “soul mate crisis” over the past year or so which has been breaking down these relationships and testing them to the limit. Similarly, there have been new soul mate/twin flame connection being created more recently. This is a powerful year for love which has created a sense of clearing within our energy fields, moving us closer to reconnection of the soul mate/twin flame energy or elevating us to a brand new connection.

Best regards

Soul mates
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