Guest Speaker

True Life - Why Did He Come Home At 4am?

 A reading for  Annie DOB:  Oct 11-68

Question: About Tommy why did he come home at four am?

Tarot - Celtic cross first card Knight of Pentacles this appears to be work related

Second card across  King of Pentacles is the King of Cups. The challenge is Annie wants her husband to be more affectionate. The third card is the source and is the devil reversed; she is not allowing the soul to receive pleasure.  Card for the past the Queen of Swords this is Annie when she was more decisive in her life and able to feel more in control.  Looking at the Present the six of cups is reversed and she feels her relationship is not where she wants it to be and is very disconnected.

The near future is the four of cups reversed unless this relationship is purged of all its contamination it cannot experience true joy.

The Power that Annie has in this relationship is questionable since she continuously doubts herself and second guesses herself. Regarding her husband, there is no trust which is a major obstacle.

What Tommy wants, here we see the Judgment card which means Tommy wants to leave the past alone and focus on the present.  He does not wish to revisit past situations which he cannot control or change.

Annie needs to focus on forgiveness and moving forward to experience bliss.

The queen of rods represents Annie's dreams to move forward in her relationship. This can only happen if she has the courage to forgive and let the past die.  The Outcome card is the queen of cups, this represents Annie, and she can be very compassionate caring and loving a mother to her son and a wife to her husband. When she is in the role of queen of cups she is more in tune with herself and her feelings and the feelings of those around her.  She does not become over analytical or over stressed when she is connected to her soul.  She must retain the queen of cups role for the queen of cups is intuitive and listens to her wisdom and messages from beyond.

In order to be happy with her marriage she must allow the past to stay there and rebuild the trust and friendship she once had with Tommy.


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