Guest Speaker

Tools Of The Trade

The tools that I use for all of the readings I do are, a set of Astrological cards I have designed myself and I have found that these are the strongest conduit for receiving information so far that I have found.

I also use the Osho Tarot deck and at times various other Oracle cards depending on how I feel towards the person I am reading for.
How did it all begin?

I have always been able to see deeply into people and to read their feelings and thoughts. Even now in our technologically advanced society, these invisible realms are still disregarded and misunderstood. As a race we are not supported or encouraged much too really commune with our spiritual parts, we seem though to be pushed toward what is seen with the physical eyes. This material state as we know is not the whole picture!

Images and outer appearances can be created to cover up confuse and even manipulate what exists at a deeper level. When some one can see into these deeper layers it is not a benefit for industries that thrive on ‘’keeping up appearances’’ at whatever cost to the individual.

This is why I personally have such a deep desire to use what I do to get to what is real, to what matters for the one I am reading for. To be able to bring things into the light and use my skills in a valuable way.

The Reading
As soon as I am given the name and date of birth of the querent information starts to come forward, sometimes quite quickly and always containing what is of upmost importance to the person , the things on their mind and in their heart in that moment.
The most important issues present themselves. These things show up in the reading in many ways .I tune into the dynamics surrounding people looking into what is happening for the client and presenting it in a way that is as clear as possible. People, places, hidden needs, feelings and wishes hopes and fears. When this information arrives I help to decipher and give it to the querent in a way that can help and empower, solutions and reflections arise within my readings in general.

Skills related
I have qualified in Rogerian person cantered counselling over a five year period. The skills I gathered and practised enable me to hold the space for anything that may need to come up from the person having the readings subconscious. This can be painful and they may not have ever had someone be there for them with the feelings needing to be heard. I create a safe strong space for this to happen if it needs to. Having a language for emotions and really listening is also a skill I’ve also enjoyed developing.
I also teach and practise body therapies, Aromatherapy, Yoga, Rebirthing and Raw nutrition bringing a balance to the body mind.


osho tarot deck

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