Guest Speaker

The Wrong Number

Wrong CallA drunk rang Dublin airport and asked “How long does it take to fly to New York from Dublin?”, “Just a second” replied the receptionist, “Thank you” said the drunk and hung up.

Having worked for Ask The Answer now for sometime I can quite honestly say that I have never enjoyed a job more.  Everyday you are helping and giving advice to people and in my case through the Tarot cards and clairvoyance.  I cover a very wide structure of life from relationships, love, money and careers etc, gently guiding an individual through their path in life that at time I am told can feel all too much.

As one lady amusingly put it to me recently, when she was offered two top jobs by two different companies both of which were offering a fantastic salary and great promotion chances “I’m, what shall I do Jackie?”

Very occasionally I get the unusual phone call.  One afternoon recently I had signed into Ask The Answer and was waiting for my first phone call to come through.  Within seconds the phone rang and I greeted the caller with my usual “Good afternoon and welcome to…”
“Don’t you good afternoon me young lady” boomed a very loud and overpowering woman’s voice.  “I’ve been sitting here for two days now waiting for you to send me two men that you promised me earlier in the week, not a sausage, where are they?”
I felt like saying “OK, I give up where are they!”
“Are you listening to me girl”
“Oh I’m listening, believe you me I’m listening…I promise” I replied.
“You know who I am, you have my account details, this is the third time I have had to ring you, you call yourself an efficient company and your not”
“Look” I began patiently, “I think you have the…”
“Don’t you interrupt me, I’m talking.  Your company needs a dam good shake up.  If I was running it there would be some big changes”
“Yeah, they’d all leave” I muttered under my breath.
“What’s that?  Speak up girl, I can’t hear you.  I want to speak to your manager, put me through to him immediately” before I had time to say anything she announced “There’s someone at the front door, that must be them” and hung up.

Well, as I always say “You gotta laugh!”  It would be great to hear from you; after all, it’s good to talk!

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