Guest Speaker

The Hermit

The Hermit

The Tarot reflects changes in our lives but also our modern day society. The Hermit represents the season of Virgo and change of the seasons, and also the new start of an educational journey ie back to school .

There are two possible ways this card can be interpreted:

First, the need to withdraw from society to become comfortable with yourself.

Second, the return from isolation to share your knowledge with others

Change can always be daunting and there are options that you can take. Which one do you reckon is right for you?

1. Avoid any change and retreat and bury yourself in isolation as anything new seems to daunting .
2. Reflect , accept guidance and realise this is a perfect time to take a step back from your day-to-day life and deeply contemplate your motivations, personal principles and values and then step forward and make those changes..

Remember withdraw at the wrong time, remain withdrawn too long, and growth stop. At Ask The Answer we fully understand the need for individuals wanting to retreat to their own caves and block out everything. If you feel like this, come and chat to us and let’s explore how you get the light back in sooner rather than later.

Keywords that represent The Hermit include:

Introspection — Silence — Guidance — Reflection
Solitude — Looking inward — Reclusion — Being quiet
Inner search — Deep understanding — Isolation
Distance — Retreat — Philosophical attitude

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