Guest Speaker

The Healing Power Of Numbers

As a Numerologist I am a firm believer that knowing the Power of our name and Date of Birth numbers can be a huge help in self healing. Many of us spend so much time trying to live up to other people’s expectations and trying to be what we think we Should be that we forget who we Are.

When this happens we begin to feel dissatisfied and unhappy in our life. Eventually this may manifest as a physical complaint. We might become depressed or confused. We may decide that it is time to make changes but be uncertain as to what kind of changes we need to make.

For me this is where Numerology comes in. By looking at the numbers of the name we can see where a person’s natural abilities are. Some people work best on the Physical levels, others enjoy more intuitive work. Some people are creative; others are more suited to working through the intellect. We are all different and we all have different ways of using our natural energies. Numerology can help us to find our own unique talents and give us the confidence to use those talents.

The Date of Birth numbers give us our life path energy and can help us to make better career choices. We can also look at our numbers to find our particular strengths and to become more aware of those areas we may need to work on. Often our numbers can help us to make sense of the more difficult times in life. Most Numerologists believe in re-incarnation and sometimes when life is difficult it may be because we are working through some lesson that we need to learn. Numerology can help to pin point what that lesson may be and help us to work through it. Very often by looking at our numbers we can find the light at the end of the tunnel. This can help us to move forward in a more positive way.

We can use our numbers to predict major turning points in life. We can link numbers to colour, shape and musical notes.

If you are feeling unbalanced or simply want to bring some calm into your life try this simple exercise. This is based on the energy of the number eight which is the number of perfect balance.

Imagine yourself sitting inside a four sided pyramid made of light. Beneath you going into the ground is a mirror image of the pyramid making this shape an octahedron. Now, breathing normally and comfortably, breath in light and love and breath out the stress of the day. Visualize the octahedron filling with a beautiful pink light. This represents unconditional love. Sit with this colour within this shape for eight minutes. Know that you are in perfect balance. Know that you are safe. Repeat the exercise anytime you feel stressed.




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