Guest Speaker

The Angel Of Romance And Relationships

Archangel ChamuelThe Archangel who looks after our heart chakra is Chamuel, he guides us in our relationships and romance whatever the situation.

He understands fully what conflict and upheaval can do to us and wants to assist in every way possible, he takes into account all of the parties concerned and after you ask him for help he will gently glide away and study the best outcome for all concerned.

His wonderful energy and blessings will be firmly directed to everyone who is in the picture and he makes his messages very clear for us to understand. His message to all of us is as follows:-

“It is only the love energy within any given purpose that gives lasting value and benefit to all creation”

I will be only too happy to assist in bringing Archangel Chamuel into your own personal life, and smooth the way forward for you in the romance and love that you deserve, just ask me at the time of your reading for that touch of magic to be added.

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